29 January 2007

New Guns!

A week or so ago, Joe, Blair, and I got new guns. New old guns, that is. Blair got a Russian Mosin, Joe got a Swiss Carcano, and I got a Czech Mauser.
Blair and Joe shoot.

Blair and Joe keep shooting.

Me and Joe stand around with our guns.

Carcano, Mauser, and ammunition.

The Mauser can kill rabbits with astounding efficiency.

21 January 2007


Ever get that sinking feeling when your tires are spinning but your vehicle just isn't moving? Yeah, this guy should have paid attention to that.

10 January 2007

Christmas Break 2006 and the New Year

Christmas break began with me getting to watch the Northern Lights for about an hour and a half on the way home. This picture doesn't do justice to how they actually looked, but it gives you an idea.

There was a lot of rain over break. Some people got ice. We got acres of mud.

New Year's Eve snow

Think I'm going to have to patent this. I call it the "Angus Sundial." The bulls were trying to warm up in the sun, which created quite a humorous sight.

Some icy roads and snow at the local public lake (Powder Creek)